Monday 5 June 2017

Things happen for a reason

Woah! Didn't realise I hadn't done a blog post since April and it's now the 5th of June! Where has the time gone?!?! They do say time flies by when your having fun! It definitely has been a quite interesting few months to say the least, from family fun, relationship dramas and friendships.

The quote that I've been saying since the beginning of this year is ....

"Things happen for a reason"

This quote surprisingly helped me through a lot this year and it's good that something I've said to myself as actually boosted my confidence as well as not let me slip back into my depression which I'm glad I've managed to get that under control.

To be honest I think one of the best things that's happened to me was getting a promotion at work to become a deputy! Made myself proud as I'm not the best person with interviews and being put on the hot seat as they call it sometimes proved that I knew stuff rather than studying paper work the night before and have everything clear in my mind but it did feel good actually thinking about things and what I didn't think I knew.

But on the bad side I guess having a break up and trying to deal with that I thought I wasn't going to take well but it was actually made me better which I was quite shocked about how I took it as I thought I would of the usual break up weeks after watching romance movies, stuffing my face with chocolate and ice cream and just shutting people out, but I was fine and back to my normal self the day after it all happened, like I told everyone I had my little cry on the day and that was it out of my system as I didn't want to dwell on the fact if I over thought it I would make myself worse so I didn't I just thought of positive things and my little quote and thought i'm hoping this would be a good reason to why it happened! I'm still waiting for the good bit to come but i'm happy which is the main thing.

Sometimes thinking what to write in a blog if you haven't gone on holiday or have any days out is harder than you think as you don't want to write about just anything... to be honest its my 1st day off for the week and I was so happy the fact I didn't have to set my alarm to wake up early and I didn't let myself down and woke up just before 12 but to be fair I probably did need as I got rather badly sunburnt last Tuesday on my back and shoulders so I wasn't able to sleep properly with the pillow and cover touching it so I would be getting 3/4 hours sleep a night and then going to do a 10-12 hour shifts.. probably wasn't the best idea in the world! Opps! As I was saying its one of those days where you just don't feel up to doing anything as much as its lovely weather outside, I just want to sit on the sofa in my pj's with a cup of tea and lots of catching up on my favourite tv series ... What's your favourite so far? always looking for something new to watch??

1 thing i'm mostly looking forward to this month is my week off at the end of the month as my best friend and I are off to a spa hotel for 3 days and 2 nights! It is SOOOOO definitely needed that's for sure! You can't go wrong with a nice getaway especially if it includes massages and wine. We decided to plan a getaway as the last time we went away was in 2014 which to me only seemed like a couple of years ago but it was more so we thought well if we stayed in the UK and just go a little outside our area so we are technically away but not to far if anything happens, so we looked up places and we found our little hotel we are staying at and Gemma did a good job at picking somewhere nice in Tunbridge wells which I have never actually been to before so it'll be like she is my little tour guide which I'm sure she'll enjoy!

Sorry about having a random blog which isn't the same as the others but I've got a few new pictures I might upload to a new blog post later.

Hope if anyone is every feeling down just to remember to pick themselves back up because as long as your happy within yourself you can achieve anything you believe in!

Speak soon !